How To Convert MDF To ISO Easy Method | MDF To ISO Converter. How To Convert MDF To ISO Easy Method | MDF To ISO Converter - YouTube.Click OK button to start converting img file to iso. Set the output file format to iso file, and enter the output file name. Choose the source IMG file you want to convert.It can burn Audio CD's from any file type supported via DirectShow / ACM - including AAC, APE, FLAC, M4A, MP3, MP4, MPC, OGG, PCM, WAV, WMA and WV ImgBurn supports a wide range of image file formats - including BIN, CCD, CDI, CUE, DI, DVD, GI, IMG, ISO, MDS, NRG and PDI.The MDF (Mirror Disc File) is disk/DVD/CD image format produced by some burning software (such as Alcohol 120%), and the ISO format is the most popular image format, it is used in many applications on Windows and Linux operating systems MDF to ISO is a freeware that helps you easily convert MDF image files to ISO image files.My purpose is to burn a backup PS2 game but this works with any MDF image.Links:WinRAR: I show how to convet a MDF-MDS file to ISO.MDF to ISO is a very simple tool with a simple idea: to convert MDF images to ISO files which are readily accepted by popular burning tools such as.Home ImgBurn mdf to ISO mdf to ISO imgburn - LO4D